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Rail Products Brochures - English

Polycorp is a global supplier of embedded track systems that prolong the lifespan of any road surface. Our products limit the destructive effects of impact, vibration, and stray electric currents while also dramatically reducing rail noise.

Polycorp-Rail-Safety_Flangeway (2.25 MB)

Polycorp-Transportation---Embedded-Track-Systems-V6.pdf (2.12 MB)

Polycorp-Rail-EPFLEX_Rail_Seal.pdf (817 KB)

Polycorp-Transportation---TrackJacket-Transit-Solutions-V8.pdf (2.21 MB)

Polycorp-Rail-Tuned_Mass_Rail_Damper.pdf (3.75 MB)

Polycorp-Rail-Resilient_Embedded_Track_Systems.pdf (275 KB)

Polycorp Products Are Buy America Compliant

Polycorp Transportation Division has a full line of products that are Buy America Compliant for all Federally Funded Infrastructure programs.

Transportation---Buy-America.pdf (917.2 KB)

EPFLEX® EPLock® Clip Installation

Animation showing EPFlex and EPLock clip assembley and installation.

Railseal-Clip-Animation.wmv (6.3 MB)

EPFLEX® Railseal Interface

Video showing application and benefits for EPFlex Railseal and EPLock Clips

The-Word-Is-Out.wmv (7.57 MB)

Railway Track & Structures June 2009

Polycorp EPflex Flangeway Fillers To Reduce Safety Concerns In Industrial Applications

June-2009-RTS.pdf (2.74 MB)


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