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TrackJacket® - Isolation for Special trackwork Vibration/Noise/Stray Current Control

Integrated System for all Applications

The newest addition to our Transit family is Polycorp TrackJacket®, a complete line of elastomeric materials to completely isolate the entire system of embedded track from the concrete roadway. Now it is possible to get stray current control, vibration isolation and noise reduction for all your special trackwork applications.

Decoupling the track from the concrete reduces pinpoint loading and prolongs the life of the road surface.

Our patent pending TrackJacket® system is unique in the industry. Since polymeric coatings are displaceable, not compressible, our line has internal ribs allow for this displacement. By integrating strategic voids, Polycorp TrackJacket® can actually absorb the impact stress and vibration. Our unique process allows Polycorp technicians the ability to vary the loaded vs. load-free area to match the deflection values and track modulus of booted rail sections to mitigate the transition between the two.

Track Jacket

Trackjacket Video Click to watch!


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