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Tuned Mass Rail Damper (TMD)

Open ballast track that is near residential areas can now benefit from significant noise reduction without the need to dig up the track, add unsightly sound walls, or other invasive methods to control noise. Polycorp Rail Dampers are simply added during off hours to an existing section of track with our patented EPLOCK TMD clip in seconds. Tuned Mass Dampers are designed to maximize sound reduction based on area specific inputs like soil stiffness, track stiffness, rail and fastener systems, and train type and speed. Based on customers’ needs, the system can be tuned to deliver optimal performance with minimal cost. Up to 7dB performance.


  • Dampers available for every rail size
  • Dekra 3rd Party certified production line and Lab for Europe (DR/19/180349 -A and -B)
  • Meets European Spec SPC 00323 V2
  • Tunable performance for your specific rail application. Up to 7dB
  • Half the clips and time required compared to other systems
  • No paste required to attain same results as alternative system that requires paste. Removes mess, improve used rail recovery, and significantly reduces costs
  • System can be easily added or removed with common tools or Polycorp installation tool
  • All parts are labeled for specific rail sizes
  • Design accommodates standard track maintenance equipment without TMD removal
Tuned Mass Rail Damper


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